måndag 23 april 2007

Billy Collins: Budapest

Animerad film av Julian Grey (0:54) Billy Collins läser dikten

My pen moves along the page
like the snout of a strange animal
shaped like a human arm
and dressed in the sleeve of a loose green sweater.

I watch it sniffing the paper ceaselessly,
intent as any forager that has nothing
on its mind but the grubs and insects
that will allow it to live another day.

It wants only to be here tomorrow,
dressed perhaps in the sleeve of a plaid shirt,
nose pressed against the page,
writing a few more dutiful lines

while I gaze out the window and imagine Budapest
or some other city where I have never been.

Billy Collins läser The Dead

Läs dikter av Billy Collins och vad Wikipedia skriver om honom

1 kommentar:

Ontherun sa...

Visst är han ett geni.. kul att en populär bloggare uppmärksammar honom.
Dessutom på Världsbokens dag som verkar vara nämnd den med.. Du skaffade dig just en ny stamgäst. Hur är poesiintresset annars?