torsdag 15 januari 2009

Bye, George! Välkommen, Obama!

På tisdag lämnar George W Bush efter åtta år posten som USA:s president och Barack Obama tar över. Estradpoeten Heru, född i Ghana men sedan länge bosatt i USA, kom under fjolårets valrörelse ut med Barack Obama is Septimius Severus Några rader ur dikten:

All best friends are influential, and Barack Obama's best friend seems to be Israel
Even with glowing lights and make up, the ugly truth can never hide
A Black leader from South Africa recently went to Israel and said the treatment of Palestinians looks just like apartheid.

You've given the image that you're a very, very nice guy
and an oh so peaceful man
But I've read transcripts of your speeches,
And you want to bomb Iran
and you want to expand the war in Afghanistan
Man oh man
How will you explain to your daughters why Israel can have nuclear weapons, but Iran cannot,
How America can have Nuclear weapons, but Iran cannot,
Even South Africa under white rule could have nuclear weapons, but Iran cannot
Without using double standards, giving an answer, you cannot

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